
Run: My return to blogging. Part 2: Why I run

Every once in a while, it’s always good to sit back and remember why we do the things we do. Truthfully, the last two weeks I have not been very enamored with running (I know, great time to start blogging again, right?). My runs have been dull and long. My speeds are slowing and my mileage grows shorter. My motivation is low. It must be. Spring. FEVER.

But taking into consideration my re-entry into the wonderful world of running blogs, I can’t help but think this is a good time to evaluate the reasons I do run. Some are shallow and some run deep, but all keep me moving.

I run because…

1. I have horrible anxiety when I don’t. There’s nothing like a hard workout to get me feeling normal again. You’d think post-great-workout I’d feel tired and lazy… but it’s actually the opposite. I almost always experience clarity in my thoughts and a zealous sense of motivation.

2. I like the feeling of being (seemingly) in total control of my body. I get this feeling especially in my long runs. That cliché “it’s just me and the road” feeling is oh. so. true.

3. When I run, I can eat more. I have been known to eat an ENTIRE 12” pizza all by my little self.

4. I like having calf muscles. They’ve only recently become a part of my life. Let’s give a hand to my growing calf muscles.

5. I’m already in constant competition with myself to improve myself (how vain, I know), so why not focus that energy into the art of running. I run to see myself improving at something. It makes me focus with a strategic plan. Ahhhh, plans. I just LOVE coming up with plans.

6. Running gives me endorphins. I’ve even been known to be that creepy girl smiling in the middle of a run while cars drive by—passengers gawking and scratching their greasy mustaches.

7. It helps me lose or maintain weight. This obviously varies due to the wonderfulness of #3.

8. I like working hard….alone. I was never good at group work in school. I was the kid who would either end up doing the entire project or absolutely nothing. Balance isn’t one of my fortes. Running let’s me work my little buns off and work towards specific goals without the distraction of other people.

9. It’s good for my health and asthma. Nuff said.

10. It’s fun. Racing is fun. Running up hills is fun (and horrible). Sprinting is fun. Running 10 miles or more is fun. Reaching a PR is fun. Watching my body transform is fun. Being in the sun is fun. Running. Is. Fun.

Next: Run: My return to running. Part 3: Evaluation bloggonation station

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